DO NOT START business, if you learn programming

Why you should think twice before launching a business while learning programming

DO NOT START business, if you learn programming

You probably noticed a trend, everyone is launching their own businesses (most of them fail btw.), and a lot of people talk about the "be your own boss" thing.

But most of those fake business owners are making a huge mistake.

If you want to have a good high-paying career in programming and maybe start your own business at some point, then this article is for you.

Why you shouldn't start a business?


Starting and growing a business is insanely hard.

And it gets even harder if you don't have extra income that you can use to invest in your business.

So without a good-paying, stable job, going all-in into business can be quite risky.

But it's not even the main problem.


The main problem is the idea of your business.

The core thing.

What exactly is your business going to do???

Probably you have some ideas, like opening a coffee shop, creating your own course, or selling some stuff online, etc.

But what is your advantage?

What connections, knowledge, skills and experience do you have in that industry to make your business successful?

Probably not a lot.

But I got a solution for you ⬇️

What should you do then?

The best thing that you can do if you want to start a business is NOT STARTING A BUSINESS initially.

But learning a good high-paying online skill first, and then starting your business AROUND IT.

Because if you are an electrician, who decided to open a coffee shop, you'll have to learn so many new things, switch the way you think and basically start from 0 there. It will be way harder to succeed.

But if you are a developer, launching your own development agency, it will be way easier, as you know people, how the industry works and what to start with. Of course, you can still fail, but the chances to succeed will be WAY HIGHER.

Since I'm a programmer, I wanted to share the main benefits of this career that will help you with the business.


As an experienced developer, you can have a solid stable income.

It will allow you to save some money to start a business and have some extra cash to invest in it in the beginning.

And trust me, at the start of any business, you'll DEFINITELY NEED MONEY!

Unfair advantage

As a developer, you have an unfair advantage when starting a business in this industry.

You have valuable skills that you can use to:

  • Teach Others
  • Help other businesses to build things
  • Make content about IT
  • Do consulting work

You also know people from the industry whom you can partner with, or just ask for advice or help.

Build Your Own App

As a programmer, you literally have enough skills to build any website or app that you can think of.

You don't need to hire a team or pay for an agency.

You can just generate a good idea, and build it YOURSELF from 0 for FREE!

So just by knowing programming well, you are opening yourself to a lot of different opportunities in the business niche.

Moreover, if you don't like running your business, or if it will fail (and 90% of businesses fail), you still gonna have good high-paying skills that will pay your bills, so it's going to be a WIN regardless!


Instead of starting a business, focus on learning one skill on a good level. That skill will allow you to create a business around it and will give you an insane advantage.

I hope it was helpful and motivational!