The only way to succeed in IT

Learn how to achieve real success in your IT career

The only way to succeed in IT

If you gonna ask millionaires what helped them to succeed, you'll have a lot of different answers.

But almost all of them say, that besides hard work and smart decisions, they were lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time.

And unfortunately, we can't control how lucky we are.

But what if I say that in programming there is a way to succeed even without luck?

What if I say that there is an actually proven way to kickstart your IT career?


No matter what you do:

building a house
building an IT career

everything starts with a good foundation.

A good foundation in an IT career is an understanding of what specialisations are there and what you need to know for each of them.

In the beginning words like Backend, React, Framework won't make a lot of sense to you, but the more research you do, the better you'll understand what you like and what you need to learn.

Make sure that the specialisation that you'll choose is used RIGHT NOW because nobody knows what will happen in 10 years, and learning things that 'might' be in demand in the future is risky, as things may sound like they will be popular, but reality can be very different from what you think.


After figuring out what specialisation to choose, it's time to start studying.

This is the stage where most people are giving up.

The main tip that I can give you is to be realistic.

Do not romanticize programming, but also don't think that it's impossible to learn.

There is you, there is a list of things to learn and that's it. Nothing else matters.

Write down your learning schedule, be consistent and work hard.

The more you'll be practicing, the more confident you'll start to feel!

Job Preparation

After you know enough for the job (I'm saying enough because you'll never know everything, and you probably don't want to spend years on your studies), it's time to prepare for the job.

A lot of people underestimate this stage, and I don't understand why.

You spend months learning things and building projects, but then you only spend 1 day preparing the CV and your job search strategy?

That's actually one of the reasons why a lot of beginners struggle with the job search.

They do the same things that everyone else is doing, and just learn technologies without learning how to represent their skills.

So please, dedicate A LOT OF TIME to create an outstanding portfolio and job search strategy.

If you'll just do the same things that everyone is doing, you'll be getting the same results, but I assume that you want to be better, you want better results, so take your ASS up from that comfort zone and do something outstanding.

If you are asking yourself what an 'outstanding job search strategy' is, it's a great question, and it's hard to reply with one sentence, but here are a couple of tips:

  • try to reach out to recruiters directly on LinkedIn or Email
  • build connections and attend meetups
  • participate in Facebook groups
  • be proactive

Job Hunting

Okay, now you got pretty far.

And YOU JUST CAN'T GIVE UP at this point.

As you are literally ONE APPLICATION away from your dream job, and from changing your life.

You already know a lot, you have a great portfolio, CV and outstanding job search approach.

From now on you should literally just keep applying for jobs and using your job search strategy every single day.

If it doesn't bring any results, analyze what's missing, improve it, and keep going.



As you can see success in IT isn't that complex.

It takes some time and some work, but it's pretty doable.

And the best thing is that you don't need luck.

Of course the luckier you are, the faster you'll get results, but I believe that you can outwork the luck and still win!