Got stuck in learning how to code?

Feeling stuck in your coding journey? Learn how to overcome obstacles and keep moving

Got stuck in learning how to code?

Do you feel like you are spending months jumping from one programming language to another and not learning anything at all?

Do you feel like you are not progressing, or you are progressing too slowly?

Or do you feel that you just got stuck with learning how to code?

Why do you get stuck in learning how to code?

I've been helping people who are learning programming for over 2 years.

And most people are getting stuck because of one of 3 BIG MISTAKES.

And the last one will shock you.

So let's go through all of those common mistakes and solutions to them.

Mistake #1: Motivation

A lot of people are getting stuck in their coding journey because of motivation.

Usually, it happens like this:

  • You watch a motivational YouTube video, read an inspiring Instagram post or someone in your surroundings becomes a developer and starts earning good money.
  • That motivates you and are starting to learn how to code straight away.
  • After 1 or 2 months, you realise that it requires more time and consistency, so your motivation runs out and you stop.
  • In 3-6 months you watch a motivational video and this cycle repeats 🔁.

I've seen people who are stuck in a similar cycle for years.

So what is the solution?


Instead of doing actions based on your motivation, you need to BUILD ROUTINES.

Motivation is temporary, and it's impossible to get good at something just by having an initial motivation.

Have you ever left the book unfinished?

Have you ever left the course after going through around 30% of it?

I did!

I'm sure you also did.

The solution that helped me to actually finish my programming studies is ROUTINE.

Every day, I went to the same place, at the same time and was just studying the same specialisation.

Regardless of how I feel (and sometimes I felt really shitty).

Some of those study sessions were bad and unproductive.

But it doesn't matter.

Because I was still showing up every single day, my disciplined routine helped to progress over the months anyway.

Mistake #2: Wrong Learning Path

Another reason why some people are getting stuck is just because they are learning the wrong technologies, in the wrong order.

And I completely understand it.

Solution #1 (Long)

There are dozens of different specialisations in programming, and I just don't know the exact things that you need to learn for all specialisations.

But I know exactly what you need to learn and in what order to become a Frontend/Web Developer, and I covered it in one of my previous emails.

If you are interested in something different, I would definitely recommend spending a week doing deep research, reading dozens of articles and watching hundreds of YouTube videos about your selected specialisation. Based on that you'll be able to make some conclusions, and most likely understand the right learning path for yourself.

Solution #2 (Short)

The faster solution will be to just find a mentor that already succeeded in becoming a programmer in a similar specialisation to yours.

This person will help you to choose the right learning path and to succeed as well.

Mistake #3: Going too fast

This mistake just shocks me.

A lot of people are just learning technologies too fast and end up in the middle of the road, not understanding what is going on.

You can't understand and learn more advanced concepts without a good understanding of the basis.

Moreover, it will demotivate you and make you depressed and introduce the feeling that "programming isn't for me".


Before moving on with your studies and new topics.

Make sure that you have a 100% understanding of the previous topic


Make sure that you do enough practical tasks with it to better remember it.


The solution to each task shouldn't be just blindly copied from somewhere, it should be your OWN solution based on what you've learned.

Only after understanding, and doing enough practice move on to the next topic.


Build routines, choose the right learning path and make sure to learn well the basis and you'll "UNSTUCK" with your programming learning journey.

You might still be having difficult times and facing some problems along the way.

And it's completely normal, as it will prepare you for the job and give you more confidence.

Moreover, at the very end, you'll feel insanely proud of yourself and your success and this effort WILL BE 100% WORTH IT!