How to learn programming productively?

Maximize programming productivity with useful learning strategies

How to learn programming productively?

A lot of people stay stuck with their programming learning progress for years.

Most of them don't spend enough time and fail because of that.

But some people actually put a lot of time into learning, but still fail, because they spend their time unefficently and unproductively.

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." - Stephen Covey

Today I will break down 3 key things that you need to do to use your time in the most efficient way while learning how to code.

Before we begin, a huge welcome to all new subscribers, we are already at 5375 people in this newsletter, nice to have you guys here!

What is productivity?

Google says:

Productivity is the efficiency of production of goods or services expressed by some measure.

In our case, instead of "production" we say "study"

Instead of "goods or services" we say "programming".

Our measure will be your end result (let's say getting a job in IT).

Let's also simplify it a little bit (I also don't like reading long and boring words 😉), and we are getting our answer:

Productivity is how efficiently you study programming to get a job in IT.

That's simple.

Productivity in programming is about doing the right actions, at the right time to get the desired result as fast as possible.

Let's break down 3 key things to be actually productive while learning how to code:

#1 Right Priorities

Most people fail because they focus on the wrong things at the wrong time.

So you need to understand at what stage are you currently at, and set the right priorities.

For example, if you are starting to learn, preparing your portfolio isn't the best idea, as your main focus should be to learn the basics.

But if you already learned a lot of things, you need to stop jumping from one tutorial to another, and finally build the portfolio and start applying for jobs.

In isolation "applying for jobs" and "going through tutorials" are great things.

But if you are doing those actions at the wrong time, you aren't using your time efficiently and productively.

#2 Consistency & Focus

There is no easy way to become a programmer overnight.

Nobody will pay good money for the skill that is easy and fast to obtain.

And the more time you dedicate, the faster your progress.

The less time you dedicate, the slower you progress.

Moreover, If you stop learning, you will start to regress, and you will lose a huge amount of your progress.

So when you are stopping, you aren't just wasting your current time, you are wasting your past-self's time, as you are just forgetting things that you have already learned.

A similar thing happens when you are switching the focus.

You choose one programming technology, study it for 3 months, then you watch a YouTube video about another "new" shiny technology, switch to it, and start all over again.

Whenever you feel that things are getting too hard, it doesn't mean that you are on the wrong track.

The Opposite!

It means that you need to keep going, to overcome this hard period.

Also, it means, that most people will stop there, and by continuing, you will be ahead of competitors.

#3 Don't waste "free minutes"

Our life is filled with stupid or "free minutes" wasted on:

  • Travelling on taxi/public transport
  • Waiting in queues
  • Waiting for someone who is getting late
  • Social media
  • etc.

Most people just watch some video on TikTok at that time.

I'm talking about hours of wasted time every single day!

It's 10-20 hours per week 40 - 80 hours per month, or 400 - 800 hours per year!

Imagine how much stuff you can learn in 800 hours???

You can literally become an insanely good programmer by studying for 800 hours.

So in 1 year by using stupidly wasted time you can obtain the skill that can bring you up to $10 000+ per month online.

Sounds great? - Yes!

Is it easy? - No!

Worth it? - You decide :)

But I can't code on the phone!

True! That's why whenever you have some bits of free time and you don't have your computer nearby, just read or watch.

Read articles, watch tutorials, re-read your notes, and repeat things that you've already learned.

Whenever you are travelling somewhere, always take your laptop with you and practice coding at that time.


Now you know what it means to learn programming productively.

It's all about defining what's the most important action to do now, focusing on it and doing it consistently, and using your "free minutes" to have more time for the selected action.