How to plan your 2024?

Discover how to plan your 2024 for success and fulfillment

How to plan your 2024?

If you want the next year to be the best,

you can't omit planning and goal setting.

In this article, I wanted to share with you how would I approach planning my 2024, and:

My year planning framework, and how you can use it to become a developer next year.

Last year I publicly announced my goals for 2023, and although I haven't hit all of them,
keeping those goals in mind helped me to make this year one of the most successful in my life and get very close to my perfect life.

NOTE: We will mostly focus on professional career, growth, business, programming and self-development goals. I'm not an expert in relationship and family goals, so for that, you'll have to figure out things on your own 😉.


Goal Setting Framework

1. Have a big picture

The first thing to do is to have a big picture in your head of how you want your life to look like by December 31, 2024.

Based on this picture you can write down multiple goals that can help you to achieve this big picture.

For example, personally I, in 2024 want to travel, have an automated business that doesn't fill my calendar with meetings, build profitable software product, and help a lot of people to become developers.

This is my big goal.

2. Keep focus

You should have just 1-2 MAJOR GOALS in different aspects of life, as it will help you to KEEP MAIN FOCUS and not jump from one thing to another and end up not completing any goals at all.

3. Be realistic

It would be great for me to become a multi-millionaire in one year. But statistically and realistically speaking it will be hard to hit for me in just 1 year, unless something crazy happens.

So I'm focusing on scaling my business to 20k, 30k, 50k/month.

You already have the deadline for your big-picture goal (31.12.2024), so make your goals challenging, but achievable within this 1 year deadline.

4. Be Exact

Your goals should be measurable.

"I want freedom in 2024" - isn't the measurable goal, as freedom might have different interpretations.

"I want a fully remote work that will allow me to work from any place in the world by the end of 2024" - is measurable and precise goal, that YOU CAN actually achieve.

5. Break down your goals into smaller subtasks

The main problem with having just BIG GOALS, is that they are too big and we have a huge 1 year deadline.

It forces our brain to delay execution and feel not motivated and scared to start (as humans, we are scared of big and hard life-changing things).

That's why, you should break each goal into multiple small subgoals that can be achieved within a 1-3 month deadline.

How to set goals if you want to become a Developer?

You might have a big goal for 2024 to have more freedom by getting remote work as a developer.

So there are 2 things to achieve:

  • Learn programming on a job-ready level
  • Land a remote job

Let's now break down those 2 things into smaller sub-tasks, which you can start executing straight away (let's assume you are interested in becoming a Frontend Developer, but this applies to other types of development, you just change technologies):

1️⃣ Learn programming on a job-ready level

1. Learn HTML
2. Learn CSS
3. Learn JavaScript
4. Learn React and Redux
5. Build 1-3 big portfolio projects
6. Optional: Learn Extra Things that can improve your CV (MUI, Firebase, TypeScript, Next.js)

2️⃣ Land a remote job

7. Structure your portfolio projects
8. Professionally prepare your social profiles
9. Create an outstanding CV
10. Build connections in the industry
11. Actively apply for jobs in a non-ordinary way and through connections
12. Pass a technical interview

As you can see, you might be just 12 sub-tasks away from your big goal (have freedom and work remotely as a developer)!

It's not easy to do, but it's definitely achievable in a 1-1.5 year time frame if you work hard enough.

You decide whether to take this path or not, but if you gonna take it, go to the end!