How to prepare for coding interviews?

Unlock coding interview success with essential preparation tips

How to prepare for coding interviews?

Reader, getting to the technical interview stage isn't an easy task.

That's why it's very important to prepare for every single interview as well as possible, so you don't waste this opportunity.

I will share the exact step-by-step framework that I was polishing over the last 3 years, and that helped me to pass dozens of technical interviews.

Why You Need To Prepare?

You can't just become a developer, because you want it, and because you watched a couple of YouTube tutorials.

As a developer, you create software that generates millions of dollars, and your mistakes can cost a lot of money to the company.

Of course, you can make mistakes.

I was breaking a multi-million dollar website a couple of times, and nobody blamed me for that. As this is a normal part of development.

(Moreover, I was fixing it pretty quickly 😇)

But when you apply for the job, you need to show that you are a PROFESSIONAL.

That you mean business, and that you are serious about programming.

And the best way to show it is to perform well in the interview.

By showing your great portfolio, and coding skills, and looking really prepared for this conversation.

When you are actually prepared, people can feel that straight away.

So, let's now break down the preparation framework.

Interview Preparation Framework

Step 1: Gather Info

You need to know as many things about the company, as possible.

And you need to understand what type of interview you are going to have, so do the following:

  • Ask the recruiter what can you expect on the technical interview during your first call or via email.
  • Google “[Company Name] Interview Questions”.
  • Check reviews on Glassdoor
  • Check the Job Post itself and all requirements.
  • A huge source of info can also be your friend who works there. Referrals are LIFE HACKS!

This research approach, once helped me to find the exact interview question I was going to have, somewhere in the reviews, and I prepared well for this question and landed it perfectly. It was a $100 000+ job, and 30 minutes of googling, helped me to land it.

Step 2: Prepare

Different types of interviews require different preparation approaches, so if you don't know what type of interview you are going to have, get back to the previous step.

If you know, here is my recommendation:

  • Algorithmic Interview: LeetCode (60% easy questions, 40% medium questions).
  • Normal Interview: Everything 😅
    • Search in Google: “Top [YOUR TECHNOLOGY] Interview Questions”
    • Revise everything from your studies
    • Learn well all “Company Interview Questions” if you were able to find them in Step 1

And please, don’t expect anything from the interview!!!

Yes, it's a great chance to get a job, but it's also a great chance to learn something new.

So don't expect anything from it, just mechanically prepare for it, like a robot!

Step 3: Interview

It’s very important to start your interview on a good note. Smile!!! Say something about the weather or make a small joke. It will also help to decrease the stress and build rapport with the person.

Now we are getting to the technical questions part, and here are some tips that can help you to do well with that part:

  1. Ask clarifying questions if you are not sure.
  2. Say as much as you can when answering questions. The more you say, the less likely you will get a follow-up question that you don’t know the answer to (But say as much as you can WITHIN the question, do not start talking about random not related topics, as it will show you as an unprofessional person).
  3. Never just say: “I don’t know”. Say something related, or something that you know and finish with: “…, but I don’t remember exactly what X means”.
  4. Always TALK when you are writing the code. Explain what you are writing and WHY are you writing it. It will do 2 things:
    1. Show how are you thinking
    2. Let the interviewer help you if you start moving in the wrong direction
  5. Give yourself time to think. It’s better to take 10 seconds to think about a good answer. You can start with words: “Okay, soo…..”, so the interviewer knows what you are thinking.
  6. When you code, always write PSEUDO code, or at least a PLAN before starting to write the solution.

At the end of the interview, do these 2 must-have things:

  1. Ask what are the next steps of the recruitment process.
  2. Ask about the feedback RIGHT on the interview.

Step 4: After the interview

Although the interview has ended, the recruitment process hasn't, so you still have to do a couple of important steps:

  1. Write down all the questions you had difficulty answering. And study them! It will help you in future interviews.
  2. If you receive a rejection. Try to find out what was the main reason and what they recommend you to improve.
  3. If a company just ghosts you, send a follow-up email in 3-5 days.


As you can see, the preparation for the technical interview isn't that hard.

You just need to be professional, and spend some time before, and after the interview to maximise your chances of success.