How to succeed in programming?

Unlock the secrets to programming success

How to succeed in programming?

If you think that coding is just about writing funny letters on your laptop - you are wrong.

If you think that programming is dealing with astrophysics and quantum computers - you are also wrong.

Starting in coding is similar to rodeo, and the key to success in IT is knowledge of how to approach this constantly moving bull.

But when you get control over him, you can get really far in life and career.

Just so you visualise what am I talking about I generated this image xD

What approach is crucial to succeed?

The first thing you need to understand is that programming is not about dealing with super complex mathematical formulas and quantum computers.

It's a normal job that every qualified person can do.

You don't need to be a genius to be a good developer.

You just need to learn how to solve technical problems and you'll become pretty valuable to the company!

On the other hand, it's also not about changing images on the website.

Programmers are getting paid a lot because sometimes they deal with important things.

For example, last week on my job I was releasing the new payment system.

If I did something wrong, our company would have lost $3 million dollars in one day.

That's a lot of responsibility!

And that's the exact reason why I'm getting paid a lot, sometimes I have to take that responsibility.

Is it worth it? - I think, yes! There is no way to make a lot of money without having a lot of responsibilities.

Moreover, that's not what I do every day.

70% of the time it's a pretty chill job.

So 30% feel like approaching this aggressive bull, but 70% feel like being on top of him and enjoying the ride!

So the approach you need to have to succeed is to be serious about it because it's an actual serious job.

But at the same time don't be scared by the complexity, as it's not that complex, moreover, you are getting more responsibilities only with time and experience.

How to be serious about it?

So if you want to become a developer without a degree you need to be serious about it.

This is the only way to succeed.

But what does it actually mean?

Let me break it down for you.

Be serious with your program

Don't think that watching some YouTube tutorials a couple of times a month will get you somewhere.

You need to find a well-structured professional program that will cover all that you need to know step-by-step.

(If you are looking for one, I want to do a mini-self promotion and say that I have a programming academy that includes everything that you might need to become a developer, feel free to apply).

Be serious with your time

You need to be consistent with your studies.

Dedicate at least a couple of days every single week for studying CONSISTENTLY.

The most successful people are those who are doing consistent work over a long period without seeing the results.

And in programming, it will take time to start getting results.

But as soon as you gonna start getting results, everything will freaking skyrocket!

(I say it based on my own experience, as I went from cleaning toilets in a coffee shop to visiting 18 countries in literally one year after starting working as a developer).

Be professional

I constantly review the CVs and portfolios of my followers and give them feedback.

And one of the biggest mistakes is that some of the profiles just don't look professional.

Every company wants to work with professionals, so your profile and CV should SCREAM: "I AM A PROFESSIONAL".

So have professional photos, descriptions, language and your approach.

Don't be needy and do not say how much you need this job.

Of course, I know that you need this job, but you need to position yourself to show THAT THEY NEED YOU, AND YOU DON'T NEED THEM.


So, be serious.

Building a career is like building a house, not like playing a casino.

Building a house takes time, but if it is built well, you'll be able to live there for your whole life and enjoy your time there.

So a well-built career will secure you for your whole life.