I've made $20 000 in 3 minutes as a Developer

Explore the quick success story of a developer who made $20,000 in just 3 minutes

I've made $20 000 in 3 minutes as a Developer

No, I didn't sell my startup or get lucky with crypto.

I didn't scam anyone and I didn't even win the lottery.

I've used my soft and technical skills together to make $20k in 3 minutes as a developer 🤯.


But how you can start making more in 3 minutes??

Just ask for more.

Well, in reality, it's a little bit more complicated and nobody talks about that in Universities or Bootcamps.

That's why in this email I will break the whole process of requesting a promotion on your job into simple steps, so you can use them to start making more.

Moreover, these are THE EXACT STEPS I used myself last week to receive a great promotion.

Every step is INSANELY important and if I were to skip one of those steps - NOTHING would have worked, so pay attention.

🏁 Step 1: Set goals and deadlines

When you are joining a new company you are making a HUGE MISTAKE.

Not by joining the company, no! Switching companies is absolutely fine!

But you let the emotions win, and it creates long-term problems 🤦‍♂️.

Because you are joining a new company, you feel happy and excited. Most likely you are also getting a new salary, better conditions and you feel good about that.

BUT, based on my experience, you are GETTING USED to this new salary and conditions very quickly.

And in 3-6 months you want to start climbing new mountains 🗻, but you don't know how.

It's because you've made a HUGE mistake initially.

Remember kids, your promotion request process starts 6-12 months before you actually ask for it. So every time you are joining a new company, make sure to ask what promotion policies they have.

Here are the exact words that I've used myself to set up the moment when it will be appropriate to ask for a promotion:

When you know the exact time when you can ask for a promotion, it's time to F**KING crush it.

To grow in terms of your salary, you HAVE TO be a valuable employer and bring money to the business.

So try hard, work as good as you can.

Show initiative, leadership and confidence.

I'm not saying 'overwork', but the company should feel that you are ABOVE the AVERAGE in terms of your performance.

🔔 Step 2: Reminder

Because I followed step 1, I knew the exact month when I could ask for a promotion.

But sometimes this date can be lost, and it's in your own interest to remind the right people that it's time to talk about promotion.

Make sure that this is the appropriate timing because you can't ask for more money if the company just had an unsuccessful launch and everyone is sad.

But if all is good, get in touch with your manager and schedule a meeting.

Usually, this meeting is called "Performance Review", "Evaluation", "Yearly Check", etc. But in smaller companies, it can be less formal.

📊 Step 3: Preparation

The simplest way to be successful in ALL parts of your life is to be prepared.

But for some reason, SO MANY PEOPLE overlook the preparation stage.

Just by spending 30-60 minutes before important things to prepare well, you can already be ahead of everyone else.

Same thing with promotion requests.

Take your ass and laptop to the coffee shop. Get FLAT WHITE ☕️ (there is only an emoji of americano), Open Google Docs, and spend 1-3 hours writing down everything that you've learned over the last year, all the big achievements and value that you've brought to the company.

Also, define how much EXACTLY you want to be making per month or per year.

Just by having all that info in your mind, you will make the next step way easier.

🤩 Step 4: Three minutes of fame

The most stressful and important part.

The actual meeting where you will ask for more 💰.

If you've followed all previous steps it should be relatively easy.

But sometimes it can go not as expected...

That's what happened to me, last week:

I was sitting on the call where we were discussing my performance.

It went quite well, and the company was pretty satisfied with me.

But the meeting was getting to an end...

And nobody started talking about salaries.

I was feeling both sad and weird. Because this is the moment I have been waiting for over the last months, and it will just end without any results??

NO ❌!!!

Because I've prepared a decent speech BEFORE this meeting, I decided that it's TIME.


So I just started my speech...

Long story short, these were my 3 minutes of fame. I think I forgot to say half of what I've prepared 😅, but it went well anyway.

Just 3 minutes of me talking brought me an EXTRA $20k/year.

Of course, these are not crazy millions that you see on the internet. But this is the amount that fully covers my yearly rent and part of my Asia trip.

This promotion is a result of my:

1) hard work,

2) dedication



This was the exact strategy I've used to increase my salary over the last year.

Every company is different, so feel free to adjust this plan based on your situation.

But in most cases, it should work well if YOU ARE ACTUALLY a good developer and care about what you do.