My Ultimate Productivity Hacks

Discover my top productivity hacks for maximum efficiency.

My Ultimate Productivity Hacks

Nowadays everyone is OBSESSED with productivity.

What notion template to use? How to track todos? Will meditation make me a millionaire?

This is B*LLSH**T!

In all my jobs my managers and colleagues were completely shocked 🤯 by HOW MANY THINGS I was able to do quickly, and efficiently.

I've even found out that in my previous company, there was a "gossip" that I don't sleep 😅.

And my productivity, helped me to build a reputation in companies within MONTHS, and quickly climb the salary ladder.

So let's break down my powerful productivity hacks, try them and you will be 200% more productive.


When I was working 2 jobs, up to 14-16 hours a day, I was getting quite tired. But still, I was able to be very productive, completing all my tasks + even started running my IT blog and writing a book 😯.

It was possible because I knew exactly why I was doing it:

  • 💸 For the money: every month I'm getting around $8k in my pocket, and saving more than half of that
  • 🏝 For my future: I'm getting x2 of experience and knowledge, so my value as a developer grows x2 faster.

So make sure to have a clear goal, why you are doing what you are doing. And keep that goal in mind ALL THE TIME.


You don't need another Notion template to be productive.

You don't need to watch another productivity video.

You don't even need my email.

You already KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO DO to get to your goal.

So stop planning, just open your laptop or turn on your computer and start DOING!

  • Learn if you don't know enough
  • Build projects for your portfolio, if it doesn't make a 'WOW' effect when you look at it.
  • FIGHT FOR JOBS, if 2 things above are done. Do not apply for jobs, FIGHT!
  • Work hard if you have a job
  • Ask for a promotion if you worked hard, and change a job if they decline your request
  • Got promotions? Start freelancing or think about creating a business.


IT'S SO IMPORTANT, that I've even spent 10 minutes drawing that graph in paint 😅.

You can't even imagine how many things you can do if you put your phone in do not disturb mode, and just sit and work for 2-4 hours.

Sometimes, within these 4 hours of deep work sessions, I do more than some people do in a whole week.

It takes around 20 minutes to get to your maximum focus level, but JUST one notification can COMPLETELY DESTROY IT 💥.

And you spend another 20 minutes to get to the maximum focus, and then another notification 🤦‍♂️.

And instead of having 2-3 hours of your maximum focus, you end up without ever getting to your maximum.


And lastly, let's cover a couple of things that I personally love doing to improve my productivity even more.​

  • ☕️ Work from coffee shops. Thanks to it, every working session feels like a mini adventure, and you can't wait to get to the new place to work there.
  • 🎵 Listen to Lofi Hip Hop or Summer Mix music while working.
  • 📄 Write a list of tasks in your notes in the morning, thanks to it you won't be distracted by new random stuff.
  • 🚶 Every 3-4 hours take a break for a walk. Deep work takes a lot of energy, so you need to get it back. Walk or gym can help with that.

Follow this simple step-by-step framework, and your productivity will skyrocket, and so your income as well!