What should you learn to become a developer?

Discover the essential skills needed to become a developer

What should you learn to become a developer?

Everybody talks about different programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, C++ and so on.

Most beginners start learning one of these programming languages and within 2 months they switch to another one, then in 2 months to the next one and so on.

And this is the MOST COMMON MISTAKE I have seen among beginners for the last year.

I want to help you NOT MAKE the same mistake by sharing the exact plan on what you should learn 📄.


Why it's important to see a bigger picture?

Most people just randomly start learning a certain programming language like Python or Java.

They don't understand the ecosystem of this language, what it's used for, and how it helps businesses to solve their problems.

And because of that they:

  • Learn the wrong parts of this language
  • Burn out and give up in 1-2 months, as they just don't understand why are they doing it

So before starting to learn any technology you need to know EXACTLY what you can create with it, whether is it used on the real job and what EXACTLY you need to know to be able to solve real-world problems with it.


What specialisation to choose?

There are dozens of different specialisations within IT, and you can choose any of them.

I personally specialise in Frontend Development, and I believe it's one of the best specialisations to get started, that's why I'll use it as an example, BUT you can apply the same approach to any other specialisation.


After you gonna choose the specialisation you need to understand what problem it solves.

Frontend or Web Development allows businesses to create websites and web platforms/applications.

Every website you've ever used was created by a Frontend Developer.


So to be valuable for businesses (a.k.a. make money as a Frontend Developer) you need to be able to create great websites and web applications.


The last step is to understand what part of the Frontend Development we need to learn to be able to create great web apps.

And I will help you with that in this email :)


Step #1: HTML & CSS

This is the core of the Frontend Development.

With HTML you will be able to define the basic structure of your website (skeleton).

For example, with HTML you define where you want to put the heading, where to put the paragraph where to put the image and so on.

But if you just use HTML, it will be just plain ugly text. So we have to style it to make it look beautiful.

And that's where the CSS comes into the game.

With CSS you define stylings for your website and make it more appealing and user friendly.


Step #2: JavaScript

After you start to feel okay with HTML & CSS it's time to do some heavy lifting.

JavaScript is the most popular PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE in the world.

It is used to add some logic to your website.

With it, you make your website interactive (for example when you click on the button, it submits the contact form). Without JavaScript, your website will have just text and images. It can look good, but it won't do anything.


And it will be the hardest part of your studies to become a Frontend Developer.

The only way to learn is to put time into it and PRACTICE A LOT.


But after grasping the main concepts, you'll realise that it's actually not that hard, and it will be way easier for you to go forward.


I love this picture as it shows the difference between those 3 base technologies for Frontend.

Image credit: mrtoepel.com

With HTML you define the structure - SKELETON.

With CSS you make your skeleton look good - SKIN, HAIR, CLOTHES.

With JavaScript, you make it functional and able to do something - BRAIN AND NEURONS.


Step #3: React

After learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript it's time to get started with React.

In simple words React allows you to combine HTML, CSS and JavaScript together to create fast and MODERN websites and web applications.

If you learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript well, React will be a game changer for you and will make everything look more professional and faster. Plus it will allow you to create pretty complex projects way easier.



Follow the structure I've just shared with you, be consistent and after some time you'll be able to create great projects and be a valuable employee for a lot of companies.
